Monday, March 17, 2008


One of the most able administrators and ruler in India was undoubtedly Chhatrapati Shivaji. He was the founder of the Maratha Empire in India. With his flawless warrior skills and unlimited courage, he ruled the Deccan region, parts of central India and parts of modern day Pakistan with a firm hand. It was due to his efforts that the Mughals faced a decline in their empire. Using guerilla warfare techniques, he was successful in annexing a major portion of the Mughal Empire. Given here is a short biography about Chatrapati Sivaji that covers his life history briefly.

Shivaji was born in Shivner on 10th April, 1627 to Jijabai and Shahji. His father Shahji was a nobleman in the royal court of Bijapur. Shivaji was named so after Lord Shiva of the Hindu mythology as his mother was an ardent Hindu devotee. Since childhood, Shivaji was brave and never feared anything. There are many instances in his childhood that show he was a born ruler. At the young age of fourteen, he had the dream of building his kingdom. At the age of 20, he took out his very first military attack and captured the Torna Fort of the kingdom of Bijapur.

After that there was no stopping him and he went on to capture Kondana and Rajgad forts and exercised full control over the region of Pune. Around the year 1659, Shivaji took over the forts in Western Ghats and the ones near the Konkan coast. In order to disrupt Shivaji's series of triumphs, Adilshah arrested his father Shahji by unfair means and sent armies against Shivaji and his elder brother Sambhaji. However, the armies were no match for the two strong brothers and were defeated by them and their father was released. However, Afzal Khan later seized an opportunity to kill Sambhaji by deceit.


Shivaji was an able and competent administrator and established a government that included such modern concepts as cabinet (Ashtapradhan mandal), foreign affairs (Dabir) and internal intelligence.[ Shivaji established an effective civil and military administration. He also built a powerful navy and erected new forts like Sindhudurg and strengthened old ones like Vijayadurg on the west coast. The Maratha navy held its own against the British, Portuguese and Dutch till Maratha internal conflict brought their downfall in 1756.

Shivaji is well known for his benevolent attitude towards his subjects. He believed that there was a close bond between the state and the citizens. He encouraged all socio-economic groups to participate in the ongoing political/military struggle. To this day he is remembered as a just and welfare-minded king. He brought revolutionary changes in military, fort architecture, society and politics.

Shivaji occupies a special place in the hearts of Marathi peoples and many others in India due in part to his, well documented, high moral code of conduct and his unrelenting drive toward the liberation of India from alien power of the Mughals and the Nizams. He laid the foundations of the modern Marathi identity and infused it with strong martial, moral and chivalric traditions. In his times he squarely and unflinchingly faced daunting challenges such as repeated invasions by huge Mughal and regional Sutanate armies, that would have defeated a lesser leader.

Shivaji successfully lead and marshalled his forces to cope and overcome several major enemy invasions of this territories. He was also relentless and inexorable in expanding his kingdoms boundaries. His success was based on his fierce determination to establish a free and independent homeland (Vatan), and the high level of loyalty and respect he inspired in his followers due to his great leadership and high moral character.

In the earlier years of Shivaji's leadership he commanded a small force of loyal followers, they had few resources and lacked for military hardware and equipment. He overcame these initial shortcomings by extensive use of hit-and -run guerilla type tactics, and he sought to capture as much equipment from his enemies as possible. His strength and confidence grew with every success he achieved while his military vulnerabilities decreased.

He was an innovator and an able commander, he successfully used effective tactics including hit-and-run, strategic expansion of territories and forts, formation of highly mobile light cavalry and infantry, adoptation of strategic battle plans and formations whereby he succeeded in out-maneuvering, time and time again, his vastly bigger and determined enemies.

Toward the end of his reign he had built up the Maratha forces to be over one hundred thousand strong, and was able to effectively keep the attacking Mughal forces in check and tied down while expanding his kingdom southward to Gingee, Tamil Nadu.

After the coronation, Shivaji successfully established a viable and growing kingdom that was stable and well defended. A large standing army and construction of several strategically placed forts served as a Hindu bulwark against aggressive Islamic powers. His brilliant strategic and tactical maneuvering on battlefields and his acute administrative skills helped him to lay the foundations of the future Maratha empire in India.

Revolution in military organisation

Shivaji's genius is most evident in his military organisation which lasted till the demise of the Maratha empire. He was one of the pioneers of commando actions (though the term "commando" is modern). Shivaji was responsible for a lot of changes in military organization. These include -

  • A standing army belonging to the state called paga;
  • Horses belonged to the state; no individual in his army was allowed to own horses;
  • Creation of part time soldiers from peasants who used to work for eight months in the field and supported four months in war. This light infantry was his innovation and they were the ones who excelled in commando like actions;
  • The introduction of an intelligence department, a navy, and regular chain-of-command;
  • Introduction of field craft viz. Guerilla warfare, commando actions, flank attacks;
  • Innovation of weapons and innovative use of traditional weapons like tiger claw or 'Baghnakh'. 'Vita' was a weapon invented by Shivaji;
  • Militarisation of almost the entire society, including all classes, with the entire population of settlements and villages near forts involved in their defense

Shivaji was an efficient ruler and administrator and ruled with a just and firm hand. His government had concepts that we know of now like the Cabinet known as Ashtapradhan Mandal, foreign affairs known as Dabir and also an internal intelligence wing. During Shivaji's reign the army was very efficient and dependable. Since Shivaji ruled a major part of the Western coast area, he also commanded a strong navy force. Shivaji is known for his protective and fatherly attitude towards his citizens. He is remembered till date as a hero who worked for the welfare of his subjects and state. Shivaji breathed his last in 1680 after suffering from fever for three whole weeks.

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